
Bristol Quilters have worked with a few Charities over the years. Raising money at our Exhibitions, donating time and items we have made to various places. Below is some information on our ongoing Charity and Volunteer work.

Support for NICU – Baby Quilts

Bristol Quilters support the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Southmead and St Michaels Hospital by making various items. The baby quilts are most in demand as the parent or guardian of each baby is able to choose a quilt to keep which they can take home for use later or use whilst their baby in NICU and then take home. They brighten up the ward and they are well received and a good use for members’ left over fabrics.

The Co-Ordinator for the Baby Quilts is Ruth Case and more information on how to make the quilts is available on the Members Area of the website.

Below are some photos of the Quilts that have been by our Members. Including some from Eveline Arthur who has made 500!

Project Linus UK

Project Linus (UK) is a Community Interest Charity which is volunteer led. 

We give quilts to children who are sick, disabled, disadvantaged or distressed for them to keep in hope it will bring them lasting comfort. Our tag line is a quilt is a hug you can keep”

The Bristol and South Gloucestershire group provide quilts to Bristol Children’s Hospital, Barton Camp, Bristol Fostering Service, and at times have given them to The Green House, Next link and Safe Link, EveryFamily and Sonar.

 We are pleased to accept quilts that are made from 100% cotton, preferably child friendly colours and patterns. They can be backed with either fleece or wadding plus backing fabric. The sizes we like are from 36” X 42”, 42” X 48”, or 36” square, 42” square or 48” square. Sonar, an ambulance transport service with incubators, require quilts 20” X 20”. We are also very pleased to receive donations of fabric that is 100% cotton, either fat quarters or length larger than this, and fleece and wadding with a minimum size of 36” X 36”.

We run a workshop on the second Saturday every other month starting with January and would be very pleased if you would like to join us. Or would just like to come to meet us and drop off any quilts or fabric you are donating, or we could arrange for one of us to collect if that is easier. Our workshop is held in the Fishponds area and if you would like to join us please contact us for more details, we would love to welcome you.

We have 3 area co-ordinators:  

Chris Evans –      

Judith Gardener  –   

Catherine Barnes –  phone 0117 968 1534

 For more information about Project Linus(UK) please visit the website at
