
Virtual Exhibition

As our exhibition last year was postponed, we thought we would hold an online exhibition.  We will be posting photographs of our members’ work which we hope will inspire you to get sewing or even just lift your spirits






This lap quilt was made by Jan Clarke


This cushion started off as a kit purchase from a friend to raise money for Cancer Research – and then I did not know what to do with it. I asked my daughter to write down 14 words that she and her family associated with Lockdown.  Besides their names and the pets’ names, they also include:- snuggles, rainbows, football, Tenbury, family walks and baking. Michaela Knight


The above quilt was made by Margaret Scott

Donations of sewing machines 

Saira Khatoon, a young Bristol woman, is looking for donations of sewing machines for women in her family’s home village in Kashmir, where some find it hard to afford food and clothing, let alone fund their children’s schooling.  As Saira says, most of these women are very talented and the gift of a sewing machine would help them earn a living and also enjoy what they do.  If you have a no longer needed machine sitting in a dusty corner (or any spares), then please get in touch with Saira on 0747 0155533 and she will be happy to collect and pass it on to a stitcher who would welcome it.

The above lap quilt was made by Jan Clarke

2020 was Bristol Quilters 40th anniversary and we were due to have our exhibition that year but we all know what happened next.  The members were all asked to make a small block in red and white which would be made into banners and be displayed at our exhibition.  Natalie Taylor made the blocks into the banners and entered it into the Group Category at the Festival of Quilts this year.   We are pleased to say that we won.  Here is a picture of Natalie with the banners.

The judges said the following about the winning piece:

Congratulations to each of you for your contribution to these stunning quilts.  Each quilter has used excellent skills to create a cohesive set of blocks which have been assembled with precision. Long may your group continue to thrive

This quilt was made by Jan Clarke

Click on the link below to see photos of some of our members’ work shown at our May zoom meeting   May Show and Tell

My daughter-in-law wanted a padded play mat for our granddaughter who is just starting to crawl.  I made this puff patchwork so it’s a bit softer for her to sit on outside.  Pat Hooper


I made this bag for my friend for her birthday.  The fabric is Liberty Tana Lawn and the pattern is from Alice Caroline Fabrics.  Pat Hooper




We made these alphabet blocks for a friend of ours who is a childminder.  The letters were a panel on the back of which we appliqued tactile shapes for the children to learn.
Linda Williams and Pat Hooper

Front and back of quilts made by Jan Clarke

Traditional dark blue Japanese fabric and yellow cotton Sashiko thread for the motif was used on the front of the knitting bag.  Lots of baby hats, this time for the Emergency Dept at the Children’s Hospital.  Sue Wakefield

Modern Medallion Quilt.  This uses  plain or two tone fabrics in autumn colours in a simple design on a white background.  The simple shapes on a white background are part of the modern style.  The binding consists of strips in a variety of widths with longer strips in white which is more modern.  It was simple to design and looks cheerful during this bleak winter. 46 by 46 inches.  Ruth Case




This is my latest make. It’s a tuffet kit from Willow and Pepperpot. The fabrics and construction are mine.  Helen Clark 






Here is my latest creation, a tea bag tea cosy. Dry and emptied tea bags are bondawebed onto calico and then sewn with decorative stitches. Once the cosy is made it is painted with 3/4 coats of acrylic varnish. It’s great fun.  Helen Clark





Bunny jumper knitted for my 2 year old granddaughter’s birthday. She is really into the colour purple and rabbits. I successfully managed to follow a graph to knit the rabbit and I haven’t done anything like that since I knitted  a Patricia Roberts picture sweater about 30 years ago. Sue Wakefield





Newborn baby hats for Swindon Hospital. I had a request from a friend who reported that the hospital had run out baby hats.
Sue Wakefield






I don’t know which Bristol Quilter made this quilt, now in Southmead Special Care Baby Unit, but my daughter and my very new grandson are very glad that she did.  Ceri Price Ball




At our January zoom meeting we had a members show and tell.  If you click on the link you can see all the items that have been made during lockdown and over the last few months.
January show and tell

This is a quilt I made for my Godson during lockdown. It is entitled ‘Sam’s Quilt’ and features Seminole patterns. It is 76″ x 84″.   I gave him an IOU for a quilt for his 18th birthday and he has been waiting patiently since. I started to make it in April this year, I had no excuse being in lockdown and finished it in October. He turned 28 in September!!  He was very pleased with it and said it was worth the ten year wait!!  Jane Bowyer




Have just finished this from an American block of the week.  I ran out of cream and had to resort to tea dyeing an old sheet.  Can’t wait to shop again am not good online.  Jan Clarke










I made 2 Christmas tree boxes, I’d made one previously with Lynne (Quinn) in her class so decided to make one for my son and one for my daughter.  When the leaves are opened there’s a nice surprise of chocolates.   Pat Hooper



I attended my first ever Zoom Workshop by Gary Mills organised by Region 5 of The Quilters Guild. I may attend future virtual workshops, I quite enjoyed it.  Michaela Knight









I used up all my 5” squares with some extra material and made 3 Xmas presents.  I also tried to use up all my Hungry Caterpillar material and made 2 more Xmas presents (I still got loads of the material left!).  All these quilts go to different parts of the country, so no need to panic that they will ever meet each other – hence it was easy to just make 2 of the same kind.  All nicely quilted by Mary-Jane of course.   Michaela Knight

I have finished my lockdown quilt today.  Made from my stash with 5” squares and 2.5 inch strips.  
Kathy Eagle




My lockdown quilt.  Beautifully long arm quilted by Mary-Jane Hutchinson.  Jan Clarke




Not new work but  have just mounted and hung these mola They are very old and have been worn.  They were given to me by  an aunt who lived in Panama and visited the San Blas islands about seventy years ago.  Jan Clarke





















These are some quilts I have made for charities during lockdown.  Eveline Arthur


This is my second quilt in the series ‘transport’.  The first one was based on railway trucks but omitted the wheels.  This time I just appliqued the wheels in pairs with the metal strips which joined two wheels together.  Being ‘modern’  I used bright colours for the strips and unified the strips by using a purple background.  Machine appliqued on a white background.  I did not like the plain background so used free motion sewing in black to outline the wheels with simple designs in black radiating outward.  Ruth Case

Early into lockdown I wanted to use up my large stash of blue and green fabric.  I used log cabin blocks in thin and thick strips following an asymmetric arrangement to make the colours flow in a wavy pattern.  I used strips which were too large so ended up with a bed quilt.  The pattern is not as easy to see in these big blocks and did not use up much of my stash.  Machine quilted by Mary-Jane Hutchinson.  Ruth Case


This is a small quilt I made for my granddaughter.   I made the log cabin blocks using Vlieseline quickscreen which is a vilene with squares printed on it.  The process is foundation piecing using the lines to sew along.  It’s very light so left in when you put the quilt together.  Pat Hooper


I bought a cross stitch kit in USA in 2017.  The pattern was a traditional Indian rug pattern.  I thought it looked very suitable for Christmas.  I finished it a couple of weeks ago and decided to turn it into a table centre. I had some red fabric in my stash and found some lovely matching grey fabric in Country Fabrics in their summer sale.   I didn’t need any additional wadding as the aida is providing the additional layer.   I’m really pleased with this hybrid embroidery/quilt.
Wendy Morri

I have been doing some hand applique which I haven’t done for a very long time, but finally here is my finished cushion cover.  This is  ” Basket of Blooms Applique Cushion by Jo Avery”. The pattern is sold by the Quilters Guild and it was given to me by a friend who could see I needed a project to do. Thank you, Chris.  Sue Wakefield


This is my version of the cushion and I have exchanged the Yo Yos with origami flowers. I have sewn them down so that they don’t get caught in anything and added some beads to the centre of the flowers.  The pattern came with plenty of instructions and photos, making it easy to follow and I can recommend it. If you don’t want to do turned applique you can take the quicker route and use your sewing machine.
Sue Wakefield









This baby quilt and the following ICU covers are made of orphan blocks from my nieces and nephews quilts.  Mary-Jane Hutchinson

Although the Bristol Quilters exhibition has been postponed until next year, I carried on making “Bags with a Twist” for the tombola. Here are a selection of the peg bags that I have made.   
Mary-Jane Hutchinson



I have been experimenting with half square triangles this year and here is another half square triangle exercise. This cot quilt is for cycling friends who finally had their first child.  Mary-Jane Hutchinson




This small child’s bed quilt was made using some of the remaining fabric from my nephew’s quilt. It will be for another pair of cycling friends and their baby boy. And there is still fabric left that will feature in a Barton Camp and other cot covers.
Mary-Jane Hutchinson



These are my 20  bird blocks for a planned group charity quilt.  Kathy Eagle




I did a Zoom workshop organised by Beyond the Festival of Quilts last Saturday with Wendy Dolan: Machine embroidered landscapes – my first experience with Zoom and all went well!  Trish Aldrick





A cushion by Jan Clarke




This is one of my 2 Xmas presents for 2020 already made.  Why not? I have got time now…  My sister-in-law asked for a blue teddy to go into her French house.   Michaela Knight









Here’s the final arrangement of my rainbow blocks, seen from outside and from in.  It’s been getting increasingly dark in that room over these past weeks so today they’re all coming down. They’ll reappear as a finished quilt at our next exhibition, all being well. (And if all that Blu Tack has left its mark on the fabrics I’ll be calling it a design feature).  Ceri Price Ball

My son is a hot air balloon pilot and had this collection of ballooning t shirts which I cut up!  With the help of Lynne (Quinn) I made them in to this quilt for him.  It is machine pieced and hand quilted.  His nickname is “Flooper” (Phil Hooper) so I hand embroidered his nickname.  Pat Hooper


We are lucky that our P&Q classes have continued during lockdown – on line and with video support.  But when I looked at my fabrics for the lesson on dresden plate…they reminded me of the virus emoji!  So I was encouraged to build on that idea…and this is the result!  I have not been quilting for very long – so this was also an opportunity to learn several new techniques.  Needless to say – I have called it ‘virus’!  Angela Rackham

I finally finished my husband Gary’s pearl anniversary quilt (3 years late!).   It has hidden dates and family jokes stitched as quilting.  I let it grow organically so no planning, pre cutting – much like life!  Mary Bishop











My workshop toolbag roll started as a Seminole exercise and became my lockdown sanity project. Some very fiddly parts which were good physio for my hands. By no means a perfect piece but I did it!
Margaret Scott







I have just finished this giant (super-king size) hexagon quilt – it was started at the end of 2005 when I had just completed a lap quilt from hexagons as my first foray into patchwork. I was hooked on hexagons and took them everywhere to stitch in spare moments. A friend (Liz Dieppe) gave me the green fabric and told me I couldn’t make a swirling pattern out of hexagons. That was a challenge indeed! Another friend, (Margaret McGregor) gave me a piece of some multi-coloured bubble fabric which gave me the colour scheme. I cut up an old curtain initially (patchwork being about making do and reusing, I thought at the time) to obtain the grey hexagons – but then had to buy fabrics to match the colours. It is stitched largely by hand apart from the straight line quilting – too big and unwieldy for anything else – and it has been on ‘hold’ for the last few years but having finished the City & Guilds course I decided it was time to finish this quilt. It grew to a size which has been rather daunting – we only now have a floor space big enough to spread it out and the current lockdown has meant no visitors so it could be left out while I made final decisions!  Ruth Barsby







This quilt was made during the coronavirus pandemic while having to stay at home. It’s made out of materials that I already had : fabric I just didn’t like, had bought the wrong colour or too much of for something else or was just simply surplus to requirements. It is machine pieced and hand quilted.  Linda Williams

I saw this block and decided to use it for my colour challenge,  It is called Ziggurat and is based on an Aztec design. It was only when I was piecing the segments together that I realised that it was based on a 12 piece pattern and was going to end up too big – 16 inches square.  I finished it and like it but it is no good for the challenge.  Ruth Case

This quilt has been made for the Cabot Quilters challenge.  Theme  based on ‘Doorways@  I have called mine ‘Gateway’ as the path leads from somewhere to elsewhere. It is pieced using Rose Hughes’ technique.  I then machine quilted it before doing a lot of hand embroidery on the fields and trees.  When the shows resume then the quilts made for this challenge will be collected by Chris Porter and displayed round the country.  Ruth Case






The Green Man by Ann Rippin

These are some log cabin pieces made by June Hall.  June and Gill run the St Peters’ Hospice sales table at our meetings.  The table consists of many different items such as fabric, haberdashery, magazines that members have donated for sale.  Each meeting members can browse and restock their stash and donate to a worthy cause. Among items donated will be UFOs (Unfinished Objects).  The above pieces made by June will put on the table as UFOs.  June and Gill also run a table at the St Peters Hospice Christmas fair and make an amazing amount of money each year.   June will encourage members to take on a UFO to finish off the project ready to go to the Christmas fair for sale.  I know June and Gill would say that they cannot do this without their helpers but June and Gill we thank you for all your hard work in fundraising for the Hospice.






My daughter washed her patchwork cushion on a very regular basis, like a normal pillow from her bed.  It disintegrated a tad!  She asked me to make her a replacement cushion.  So I asked 5 year old Alice to draw her family and this is what she produced.  Please note that her Dad is called Simn and Mummy is called Soozee.  I really enjoyed stitching the centre panel.
Michaela Knight

Like Trish, I also started an improv block quilt, inspired by the Modern Quilt Group’s quilt in last year’s The Quilter. I made a few blocks starting last September, then put them aside to work on other projects. They were starting to get in my way so I took them up again, adding other bits as the mood took me. At the last minute, I added a border of mad ‘Dancing Squares” (thanks to Ricky Timms’ tutorial on The serendipity of the quilt more or less reflects my mood during lockdown: hither, thither and all over the place!  Carole Webb

This is my quilt which would have been in the exhibition this year, this I said would be the last quilt I would make, as I really do not want any more, however since the lockdown,there seems to be another one in the making.  Chris Franklin







This is the quilt I’m currently working on. It is a cot quilt destined for a new great nephew due in August. I’ve completed the top. Just need to sandwich, quilt and bind it. I expect to have it finished by the end of June. The animals are foundation pieced. The letters are die cut and appliquéd In between I’m making face masks which are proving to be very popular with friends and family.  Wendy Morri









My Clifton Street view is from an Anne Hellyer kit I bought at the South West Quilt show.  Anne Hellyer came to Bristol Quilters last year and I attened her workshop to make a winter street scene. Anne ran a brilliant workshop and her kit worked out really well. I was delighted to have found another kit to do and it didn’t disappoint. Lots of clear instructions with photos as well. As we are in the Covid 19 lockdown I have added teddy bears and rainbows to some of the windows.  Sue Wakefield


This is an example of one of 7 scrub hats made for NHS frontline workers.  Clare Coyle





I know you’re on the edge of your seat wondering about my rainbows so here’s the news. A marble run of ten blocks in the window, and the final six completed and awaiting their moments in the sun, week by week. The final six? Does that mean that in six weeks this whole situation will be over? No, I’ll just have run out of window. And – more drastically – out of yellow fabric. See how I’ve eked out my scraps… (And of course kind quilting friends have offered me the run of their stashes but that would have been cheating). Ceri Price Ball

This has hung in my workroom  in several different houses, since I assembled it from a collection of blocks given to me by Bristol Quilters when I moved away 20 years ago.  (I was a founder member so I knew everybody then).  It still gives me enormous pleasure, and as you can see I pin things to it: fabric daffodils made by my daughter for a Mothering Sunday present, sketchbook drawings, and inspirational quotes.  I still don’t know who made every block!  Judith Barker

Two bags that were destined for the tombola at this year’s exhibition and one for me.  I also belong to Westbury Park Quilters, and we take our own mugs for coffee.  Lots of people take them in pretty bags, and Jo Clymo gave me the pattern.  Ribbon is from Pins and Needles in Westbury village, as she will deliver!  Judith Barker

Last year I did a workshop with Clare Passmore at MQ. This is the result! It started with an original pattern created by Clare, of the starry night image. I used markel oil sticks to create the image, with paper cut outs, I then hand embroidered it all over with various threads and stitches, just whatever I fancied. Some people did machine quilting or a combination of the two. Clare is a very patient teacher and the workshop was relaxed and enjoyable. Great fun!  Denise Hagan

This was a pattern from Dawn Cameron-Dick called Vegetarian Chicken.  I made this small wallhanging/throw for my sister who has 1 cockerel, 4 fat hens, 3 skinny hens and 1 tiny little grey thing.  I hope she will enjoy it when it eventually gets sent to Austria.  Michaela Knight








When plans for a VE Day celebration in our street were announced, for reasons I cannot now recall, I decided that what that lamp post needed was an appropriately patriotic banner. So I set to and came up with the idea of a pair of Union Flags, longways on, one above the other. Then I realised that it would have to be double sided so I upped production plans to four flags. All went swimmingly until time ran away with me and VE Day dawned with my flags still in pieces. Epic fail no 1.  But then I reasoned that I may as well carry on with the project and be super ready for the next jubilee or whatever. It went together really smoothly but then I laid it out, stepped back and saw…. Epic fail no 2.  Ceri Price-Ball


A cot quilt for my great nephew – the same design as I did for my Challenge but bigger!  Trish Aldrick






Some bags I made which were destined for the tombola at this year’s exhibition.  Helen Clark






Another project finished, 2 years since having bought the material etc. at Midsomer Quilting.
Michaela Knight



As my sewing machine stands at the end of the dining table in the kitchen, I wanted a small throw to go over it.  Last year I got a new kitchen in grey and when I saw these knitting chickens, I thought of a stack-and-whack quilt.  The blocks are very similar to each other, but as there is still a lot of grey, it will be just perfect.  Mary-Jane Hutchinson quilted it for me with swirls, just like the wool of the knitting the chickens are producing. I really enjoyed making this small quilt (1m x 1m) as it was for me!  Michaela Knight


This quilt is for my granddaughter due to be born in
July.  Pat Hooper











I have been making surgical caps for the NHS, Jenny Adams who put out the original request for 360, has been overwhelmed by the response from Bristol Quilters and  other sewing groups in and around Bristol. Thank you to all who contributed, for the time being no more caps are required but Jenny knows where to go if she needs anymore!  The hearts are for the ITU appeal for the BRI.  Sue Wakefield


A few more rainbow blocks for the front window and I’m up to 10 now, seven in the window and three waiting in the wings.  Colours are getting a bit grungy and I’ve taken to felt pens to ‘improve’ some of the fabrics.  Ceri Price-Ball



I often design a piece of bead work for a holiday project. Of course they are not completed in that time frame. All pieces are worked in Japanese seed beads size 11.

The bag was a holiday project from last year and I intended to enter it into the exhibition.
The neckpiece was another holiday project from earlier this year. The pattern was based on the brass beads used in the fringe, which are little compasses.
I made the scarf for my 12 year old granddaughter. The pattern is loosely based on Lego.
Janis Taberner

Just finished this quilt.  It was long arm quilted by Mary-Jane Hutchinson.  Jan Clarke










I came across a YouTube video called Mandala by Kathleen Laurel Sage and decided to make these. Stiched mandala coloured on with sharpies and used drops of rubbing alcohol to disperse the colour. Good fun, but the sharpie fumes are quite potent.  Helen Clark


Some scrub caps made for NHS workers. Helen Clark












A few new rainbow ideas Chris Evans


Inspired by the Window Wonderland idea of a nightingale colouring page for kids, and to add to rainbows in front windows.  One for my house, one for the Community Mental Health Team in Kingswood where my daughter works.  Bond-a-web applique and free motion quilting.  Helen Thomas




Some rainbows for my and my neighbour’s windows. Kathy Eagle




Started in 2018 following the Modern Quilt pattern in the Quilters Guild magazine, finally finished but only made half of the blocks in the magazine!  Trish Aldrick




A rainbow for my window.  Ruth Suckling




The story so far – Ceri is carrying on with her rainbow blocks to go in her window.  Hopefully she has enough windows!

My decorated bra for the exhibition – although I have given up participating in the Moonwalk I thought I would still do one for the Quiltfest.  I have used up the lines of beading done in workshops that were never completed into necklaces, except for the purple strips bought commercially.  Trish Aldrick


I took part in the Quilters Guild Modern Quilt Group challenge for 2020, entitled:- Twenty on Twenty for 2020.  It is 20” square, as all the Modern challenges are, and needed to contain 20 squares.  This came from my most favourite game in the 90’s TETRIS and all the middle squares came from my scrap bag, which was quite satisfying.  Once my husband realised what I was doing, he ‘needed to help me’, and he is very pleased with ‘his’ quilt now!. Michaela Knight



I’ve also done a rainbow block for my window .  Pat Hooper





A rainbow block to go in my window.  Helen Thomas





I made this quilt top at a Chris Porter retreat in early February. It was a challenge for me in choosing the range of fabrics tones and meeting Chris’s standards on piecing. Usually my quilt tops relinquish in the “to do” stack for ages so I quilted this and the next quilt in a week. The pattern show up well because I used a wool wadding.  Mary-Jane Hutchinson



This quilt is a half square triangle exercise using a stack of aboriginal fabric squares. A dramatic quilt top can be made using a simple block and contrasting colours.  Mary-Jane Hutchinson





This is my Interchange Appliqué from the Gillian Travis 2017 workshop. I had completed it up to the hand embellishment so it was the first item that I finish. Mary-Jane Hutchinson




This is my version of the Apron that Michaela Knight made – see Michaela’s apron below.  I copied her pattern using fourty 4 inch squares of vegetable fabrics.  I am now ready to make aprons as Christmas presents for the family.  Ruth Case





At last I have finished enough squares using Gillian Travis’ pattern to make a small quilt.  It will go into the Quiltfest exhibition next year.  Ruth Case




Here’s the start of my quilter’s take on the rainbow in the window idea. I thought I’d start with one block Blutacked to the glass and add another every now and then. Let’s all hope we’ll be having to stay in just long enough for me to produce enough rainbows for a cot quilt – and not a king size cover.  Ceri Price Ball












Another UFO finished. It only took 10 years! Michaela Knight








The quilt I started at a Midsomer Quilting  workshop in November. The bags will be for the Tombola at the exhibition.   They are made from a pack of furnishing squares I got from the St Peter’s Hospice sales table at Bristol Quilters.  Helen Clark


Last week I had a sleepless night and made lists of all the UFO’s and projects I could think of.  In the morning I went and checked in the cupboards and wrote them all down. On the list are:-
16 Patchworks UFO’s and Projects
3 Embroidery UFO’s
3 Knitting UFO’s and Projects
4 Art Projects

Well, I can now tick off one of them!  I started this apron only this January, made from a panel material I had in the cupboard for about 10 years.  Michaela Knight


I’ve finally finished my little quilt from the BQ Interchange Applique workshop with Gillian Travis in 2017.  Becky Freeman





I refer to this as the never-ending quilt.  I have been constructing it for longer than I care to remember using scraps donated by quilting friends, from my stash and from my past projects with all the associated memories.  The piecing has filled the gaps when I have not had much else to sew. At times I did not particularly like the way it was shaping up and I nearly gave up on it several times. The treat came when I finally put the quilt together. The colours seem to do something quite unexpected making the 3 different sized and simple log cabin squares used in construction seem so much more than that.  Alison Nicholls



A sofa throw made for a friend last year which was going into the Exhibition – Jagged Purples with Blues. Trish Aldrick



The goldfish bowl quilt is for an expectant Mum who does a lot of scuba diving.
Syringe driver bags as usual for Southmead oncology patients (Westbury Park Quilters make them on an on-going basis. Jane Bjoroy


Watersmeet – My curved bargello pattern and technique based on the colours of Exmoor.  Machine pieced, and quilted with multi-coloured rayon threads.  Jan Hassard





The Elements – This hanging uses my log cabin perspective technique, taking the eye into the block through light to dark tones. Machine pieced, and quilted with multi-coloured rayon threads.  Jan Hassard





The Moose cushion is one of my Assessment Pieces for City and Guilds with Lynne Quinn.  It’s my own design and is Foundation Pieced in Kona Colours.  Sorcha Torrens

This is a tool roll bag that I made in Lynne Quinn’s class.  The panels are seminole patchwork.  The pockets have velcro on them so you can take each off to use separately.  They hold everything I need to sew.   Pat Hooper

This is a new cover for my sewing machine which has been created from a piece in my stash which was originally a curtain sample.   I made masses too much of the bias binding for the piping as it’s hard to estimate how much you’re going to get when you use the continuous method.  Clare Coyle








This is what I’m working on. It started off as the chair’s challenge and I was going to cut it. I like it this size now. More integration of appliqué grass to do then some flowers and some shadows to add.  Debby Bird

Here’s a quilt I have been working on for the BQ exhibition and it’s been getting more and more disastrous as I’ve gone on. I’ve added the orange blob in the middle onto the picture to spare my blushes. It’s not so much a near miss in the centre as a mass outbreak of social distancing. But I was ploughing on until I spotted its strong resemblance to the virus 🦠 emoji.  That was it. Dark hole here it comes.  But what have I learned from this, asks she trying to glean something out of this Horlicks.

  1. Non stick baking parchment is not the thing to use for foundation piecing as it either refuses to move under the sewing machine needle or it skates away. Am keeping it for cake now where it’ll be much more useful.
  2. Drafting paper piecing patterns is probably not best done with the 60’ angle on a ruler and a Sharpie. Some of those points ain’t never going to meet.
  3. I really, really, really hate pastels.
    Ceri Price Ball

I am working on an idea using off cuts from a previous quilt and a limited colour palette. Just at an early stage .  Nice to be able to work slowly rather than working to a deadline Kathy Eagle

Both tops pieced. Will start to hand quilt this week Wendy Morri

January 2020

Our speaker this month was Andrea Ashwell.  The title of her talk was The Galaxy and Beyond.  Below are some photos of Andrea’s work.







November 2019

Sarah Impey was our speaker this month and the title of her talk was Writing with a Needle.  Sarah gave us an insight into how she creates her pieces.  Sarah writes with her sewing machine, each letter is a capital letter and all are separate from each other.  Below are some images of her work.


These images relate to the security of iris recognition


The red splodge on this one looks like something spilt on it but when you look closely it’s stitched!


On these pieces instead of cutting off all the loose threads Sarah has left them and combed them out.

This piece looks like it has a painted background but it’s not.  Sarah has sandwiched all the loose threads between organza to give this stunning effect.

June 2019

Our speaker this month was Catherine Lawes and the title of her talk was From Here to There and Back Again.  Catherine held a workshop during the day on layered landscapes.  Below are some photos of Catherine with her work and also some of our members at the workshop along with some of their pieces.







Malvern Quilt Show May 2019

Congratulations to Natalie Taylor on her success at the quilt show at Malvern.  Natalie won first in Small Wallhanging with Rice and Fizz and the Judges’ Merit in the Bed Quilt category.  The bed quilt was titled Jody’s DNA Quilt and was made by Natalie Taylor and computer guided longarm quilted by Frances Meredith.  Below are pictures of the quilts and a picture of Natalie receiving her prize.


May 2019

Our speaker this month was Janet Twinn and the title of her talk was From Canvas to Calico.  Janet spoke about how she started out as an artist using painting on canvas to making her quilts today.  Below are some photos of Janet’s work.


April 2019

Our speaker this month was Anne Hellyer.

Anne started her day with us by holding a workshop during the day entitled set the town alight where she showed members how to create one of her stitched houses.   In the evening Anne gave a talk entitled how did I get here.  Anne spoke about how she started out on her process of creating and shared lots of her tips with us.  Below are a couple of photographs of her work.  The cushion shows the fishing village of Beer in Devon and the other photograph of some more of Anne’s work shows a backdrop of London.


March 2019

Our speaker this month was Linda Seward.

Linda held a workshop during the day on how to make a fiddle quilt.  Fiddle quilts are an aid for people with dementia.  Below are pictures of some of our members busy at work on their fiddle quilts.

In the evening Linda gave a talk entitled Ultimate Quilt Artists.  Linda spoke about her book The Ultimate Guide to Art Quilting and showed some of the images of quilts from the book that had been made by various artists.  Below is a picture of Linda and some of her quilts.


Some of our members at Linda’s workshop







February 2019

Ann Griffiths was our speaker this month and the title of her talk was Stories in Stitch.  Ann spoke to us about the panels she had created based on the story Alice in Wonderland.  Below are some photos of her work.



November 2018

Penny Armitage was our speaker this month and the title of her talk was From Kuwait to Exmoor.  Below are some photos of Penny’s work.


October 2018

The Chairman’s challenge pieces were revealed at this month’s meeting so head on over to the challenge page to see the photos.

   September 2018

Jan Tillett was our speaker this month.  Jan also held a workshop the following day and here are some photos.

Jan showed us some of the ways to use soluble film and fabric and here are a few we’re sharing with you:


We all liked this postcard so Jan showed us how to make ferns – very clever and no solubles needed


And finally some of the results.  The last picture shows the stitched baskets drying over bowls to shape them.





These cushions have been made for the new St Peter’s Hospice Garden Rooms when they open later this year.  Some of them were entered into the West Country Quilt & Textile Show at the end of August and the three cushions at the front won rosettes.  Congratulations to Theresa Horne, Monica Jarritt and Pat Kirston

These cushion covers were made so that there are spares for when the other covers are being washed.

Bristol Museum Visit

On Saturday 25 August 2018, a few members were at Bristol Museum as part of the Woman’s Hour Craft Prize exhibition.  We had an area set aside where we could display some quilts and cushions and also where we could sit and sew.  We had a lot of people come and talk to us about our work and several said they were inspired to pick up their sewing needle again.  Below are some pictures from the day.





July 2018

Our speaker this month was Judith Barker who spoke to us about folk art.  Below are some pictures of her collection.



Quilting Bee

On Tuesday 19 June 2018, five of us took ourselves off to the American Museum to take part in their weekly Quilting Bee.  We had a table in the cafe, so unlimited access to tea and coffee and good light!  We sat and stitched and chatted for about an hour when a coach party of ladies arrived who were a quilt group from Wales.  They were a delightful group and showed great interest in our work and talked about what they were working on.  We had several ladies come over and talk about quilting throughout the day.  A good day was had by all.  Some photos below.



On Sunday the 10 June 2018, we held an afternoon of sewing followed by a cream tea at Berwick Lodge.  We are making some cushions to donate to St Peter’s Hospice to go in their Garden Rooms, which will be part of their new building.  Below are some photos from the afternoon, and despite the fact that some of us put cream on our scones first and some put the jam first we all had a great afternoon!





June 2018

Our speaker this month was Alice Fox who gave us a talk on experimental stitch with coastal perspective.  Here are some samples of her work.




Alice also held a workshop on the same day.  Here are some photos of the day.

Members eagerly awaiting the start of a fun day.

Here are some samples of their day’s work – hope you all had a great day.



Malvern Spring Quilt Show 2018

And the winners are…..

Congratulations to three of our members who were successful at this year’s Malvern Quilt Show.

Kathy Eagle took first place for Best Use of Colour and what about the wonderful piecing!


Frances Meredith won three awards for her Dear Jane quilt which is hand appliqued and hand pieced using English Paper Piecing.  It is quilted using freehand and ruler techniques on her longarm quilting machine.  The quilt is inspired by the 150th Anniversary Dear Jane quilt display in Nantes, France in April 2013 and from the book “Dear Jane” by Brenda Papdakis.

Natalie Taylor won first prize and the May Clarke Memorial Cup for her beautiful African quilt which was made to help her friends who regularly raise funds for the UFoundation who support community projects in rural Zambia

                                                 April 2018

Angie Hughes was our speaker for the April 2018 meeting and she showed us a range of her beautiful work.  Here is a selection.


16 members attended Angie’s workshop and here they are hard at work along with their works in progress.  Hopefully we’ll be showing you some of the finished pieces soon.